Social media might be the more popular and easier way to promote your brand. But if you really mean business, the age-old email marketing strategy is in a league of its own and should not be underestimated.

Here are five reasons why:

1. Highly Personal

Familiarity and a sense of closeness is easier to build between the brand and the consumer via email. In social media, it is a one-to-many or many-to-many channel. Somewhat mass-distributed and impersonal.

Via email, it can feel more intimate in a one-to-one exchange, especially when the content is done right.

There are many ways, free or paid, to automate customized emails to make sure that it uses the recipient’s first name in the salutation line.

Even the good-old-fashioned Microsoft Word has this feature where you can create email blasts tailor-fit to each recipient’s email and name. You just have to plug in the MS Excel database and follow the MS Word email wizard (wow, that takes me back to the 90s, haha).

But I advise that you look into more modern ways of getting this done, depending on what marketing system you currently have in place or would like to acquire.

2. More Permanence

Social media is highly ephemeral. Once people scroll past your post, it’s lost into oblivion in a heartbeat.

But with email marketing, as long as your content is relevant and captivating, it will stay in their inboxes forever and is searchable by sender, date, content or subject line any time they want to revisit your email.

You just need to know how how to tickle your market’s funny bone to keep them from ignoring or deleting your emails and, worse, unsubscribing from your mailing list.

3. Richer and more diverse content

Emails allow for more mixed or multi-media formats and fluid layout compared to social media.

Those microblogs / social media are often optimized only for single formats, with a few exceptions.

Instagram is hot on photography, while Tiktok and Youtube are ideal for videos. And the up-and-coming Clubhouse is specializing on social audio, among others.

While that sounds well and fabulous, emails still have the upper hand when it comes to content diversity and giving you the power to usher attention to other marketing channels. Email platforms on desktop and mobile are becoming more and more sophisticated, smart and interactive.

Using HTML in creating visual and dynamic email designs/templates empower designers to shape the content in a beautiful newsletter-format with various sections. When done seamlessly, it looks like a stunning display that tells an interactive and coherent story from top to bottom.  

4. Longer Attention Span in Email

People spend more time to stop and carefully read and answer emails, compared to our tendency to fleetingly scroll through social media from one post to the next.

Emails are generally made to be read in a lengthy letter format. So users linger on it longer than in social media. To get the best ROI on your marketing strategies, it’s best to employ multiple platforms to get your brand across, including having emails.

If you diss email marketing, you are missing out on the unique, in-depth and long quality time that your brand could have spent with each potential lead.

5. Frequency of emails can range from daily, weekly or quarterly

My first impression with emails is that it would be unwise to send one every day because it might seem pesky and annoying. But it turns out, it isn’t the frequency that’s the problem – it’s the content’s quality and relevance to the recipients/market.

So be as aggressive as you need to be on email in terms of frequency. Daily is fine if you can manage it.

But make sure that your content is highly personalized, interactive, authentic/genuine, and rich with diverse messages and helpful information. Doing so will help make your email campaigns more attractive and keep subscribers on the line for longer.

Share your email marketing wins and woes

In writing this post, I was inspired by a lovely comment posted in my previous article on Effectively Selling Online with Marketing Communication.

Receiving your comments motivate me to write more for what you fellow business-savvy and ambitious ones look for on Luscious Mind. Let’s connect some more!

Like Mark Christian in that other post, let us know what’s on your luscious mind. The comments section below is a safe, supportive space for us to discuss and engage as a go-getter community. Ta ta!

Written by

May Gordoncillo

May is a soul-searching freelance writer/editor who earned her BS and MA degrees in communication from the University of the Philippines. She unleashes her creative prowess in her blog, Luscious Mind.