Let’s Collab!

purple fireworks effect

Are you looking for an open space to air your thoughts and ideas? You’ve definitely come to the right place. Let’s explore how we can work together on new, fun and exciting projects!

Here are a few suggestions to get things rolling:

  • Get featured/reviewed. Submit your product/service/brand and we’ll open it up for a review. Contact us to get the conversation rolling.
  • Be a columnist! This is a great way to establish your credibility and expertise. To become a guest author on Luscious Mind, simply contact us to pitch your topic/idea. Once approved, we’ll work with you to publish and share your work on the platform. See our guest publishing guidelines below.
  • Ads & promos. Inquire about opportunities to showcase your brand/business with us.
  • Got another brilliant collab idea? For vlog guestings and whatnot, contact us and let’s see what we can do.

Guest Author Publishing Guidelines:

Step 1: The Pitch

First, I suggest sending us a topic/title first, with a short pitch of what you would like to write about. So that we can explore if it is a good fit with the platform and vice versa.

  • Use a concise title.
  • Have a unique topic in mind (original content; not a duplicate of other articles).

Step 2: Flesh It Out

Once we’re good to go on a topic/theme, it’s time to flesh it out. Submit your guest article draft, preferably in an editable Google Doc format. Here’s a quick format guide:

  • The article length should be roughly 1,000 – 2,500 words approximately. We’re flexible, so let us know if the length might vary depending on the content type you want to share.
  • Use subheadings to organize and break up chunky text.
  • Visuals & Graphics: we will use visuals from our own resources and online stock photos by default; but also feel free to share your own visuals as you deem fit and ensure that it’s copyrighted or credited correctly.
  • Citation: include a list of references if necessary and ideally follow the latest APA citation format.
  • Internal & External Links: Observe ethical whitehat SEO practices; keep the organic integrity of content intact. External links are allowed to an extent (avoid repeating the same link, in case Google might deem it spammy). Also, it would be appreciated to include internal links to other Luscious Mind content as well. If any, a sponsored/promotional (back)link pointing to your website/page can be included in the “About the Author” section that will be placed at the bottom of the post. This is so we do not breach readers’ trust in mixing sponsored/promo content with organic content.
  • Author Profile: Include a short description about yourself, together with a centered square photo. Your author photo will likely be made into a circle automatically via the website’s CSS, hence a centered half-body photo of you is best.
  • Opinion Disclaimer: Note that we will also include a general/standard statement at the end to “…express that the contents and opinions expressed in the article is that of the contributing author’s and does not necessarily reflect that of Luscious Mind and its blog owner.”

Step 3: It’s go time. Let’s Publish!

  • Terms of Use:
  • By submitting an article/content to us, you are aware that you will not be issued direct payment in cash or kind unless otherwise agreed upon by all parties involved in a separate written and signed contract. You simply share your content and make use of the platform to express your thoughts in good faith.
  • LusciousMind.com reserves the right to publish/modify/remove the article on www.LusciousMind.com at any point in time should it encounter legal or technical issues that need to be reconciled accordingly. But under normal circumstances, the author’s work will be respected of course. 
  • Also, your article submission gives www.LusciousMind.com and its owners/operators copyright ownership/license/permission to publish your article exclusively on Luscious Mind. Preventing duplicate/spam content on the web while publishing unique content serves readers best.
  • Sharing/reposting is highly encouraged. Since it is written exclusively on Luscious Mind for ethical reasons mentioned, we suggest including a linked credit line/statement at the top of the article saying, “Originally published on www.LusciousMind.com” as a gesture of goodwill. Also, it is highly encouraged to share your Luscious Mind article via social media and other platforms, with due credit to the collab between you as writer and Luscious Mind as the publishing platform. You could also inspire others to share their stories, too.